Instant coconut drink 350g Topnatur
Instant coconut drink 350g Topnatur
Gentle and delicious taste of coconut milk, you can prepare a 3.5 liter drink.Suitable for direct consumption, for preparing smoothies, sports drinks, cocktails, cereal porridges, semolina. For vegans and followers of a healthy lifestyle.
Brand: ASPProduct code: 1594Shipping and Payment
4.28 €
Gentle and delicious taste of coconut milk, you can prepare a 3.5 liter drink.Suitable for direct consumption, for preparing smoothies, sports drinks, cocktails, cereal porridges, semolina. For vegans and followers of a healthy lifestyle.
Brand: ASPProduct code: 1594Shipping and Payment
glukozový sirup, částečně hydrogenovaný kokosový tuk, emulgátor: estery mastných kyselin, stabilizátor: fosforečnan draselný, kokosové aroma, protispékavá látka: oxid křemičitý