Dulse (Palmaria) Bio 100g Algamar

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Of all the seaweeds, dulse contains the most iron, and is also rich in calcium, magnesium, iodine and phosphorus. High content of vitamin C. Excellent in salads, soups, spreads and Asian specialties.

Product code: 786Shipping and Payment

20.69 €

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Of all the seaweeds, dulse contains the most iron, and is also rich in calcium, magnesium, iodine and phosphorus. High content of vitamin C. Excellent in salads, soups, spreads and Asian specialties.

Product code: 786Shipping and Payment

Dulse (Palmaria palmata) – bio. Případný bílý povlak není na závadu. Jedná se o vykrystalizovanou mořskou sůl.

Energie: 1078kJ/255kcal, bílkoviny:18,1gsacharidy:38g,z toho cukry<0,5g,tuky:0,3g,z toho nasycené mastné kyseliny:0,1g,vláknina:14,2g,sůl:<0,1g